Saturday, October 29, 2011

Environmental Keynote Speakers

In rallies and conferences in relation to the environment, a specific kind of keynote speaker is hired or invited to discuss certain points and topics on how to conserve the environment. One famous keynote speaker who won the Nobel Peace Prize is Al Gore for his famous discussion on global warming and how it is the “greatest challenge man has ever faced”. And for his discussion and lecture regarding the effects and the causes of global warming to mother earth he won the Nobel Peace Prize. He is now considered as one of the most important environmental keynote speakers to give a lecture regarding global warming. Here are a couple of topics an environmental keynote speaker tackles with their audience.

Carbon Dioxide pollution – One of the worse cases of pollution that the environment is facing is carbon dioxide. These are mostly emitted by vehicles dependent on gasoline, and other vehicles that produce carbon dioxide from their exhaust pipes. Some factories also emit these dangerous and harmful smoke, such factories that burn rubber or metal factories where carbon dioxide flows up through their chimneys. Environmental keynote speakers tackle these topics and offer solutions to such environmentally harmful substances. They may only offer a few easy to act solutions but it is enough for people to act on.

Nuclear and Chemical wastes and Nuclear Testing Sites – Also a topic that environmental keynote speakers discuss is the improper disposal of these nuclear and chemical wastes which are merely dumped in secluded locations hoping that it would go away. Some chemical wastes are dumped in rivers and lakes which drastically destroy the ecosystem around them as well as the local wildlife. Such actions need to be halted and that’s why some rallies are held outside the walls of these chemical plants and nuclear power plants for their improper disposal of their waste material.

One effect a nuclear test site had on a certain ecosystem and community is the Chernobyl incident, where a nuclear power plant exploded and leaked radiation all over certain parts of Russia. This effect led to many deaths even after several years after the incident occurred due to radiation exposures or to side effects of radiation that contaminated the neighboring cities of Chernobyl. The place would not be habitable for a good 75-100 years for there are still large traces of radiation seeping through from the environment and would be terribly harmful to inhabitants and even to wildlife.

Trash Problem – And lastly there is the trash problem that all nations around the world are having trouble with. With the growth in population so does the growth in trash rise each day. These environmental keynote speakers will tackle about how to minimize the trash that a family can produce each day. One solution to this problem is recycling trash. Separating paper, plastic, biodegradable and non biodegradable things in order to be recycled and used again or perhaps made into something useful like making a wheelchair from aluminum cans are just some of the things that recycled trash can produce.

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