Saturday, October 8, 2011

Retired Servicemen Keynote Speakers

There are certain events and functions where they invite keynote speakers who are retired enlisted men. They used to serve as a marine, in the navy or in the air force and they are invited or hired as keynote speakers for their knowledge in certain fields. They may have also been invited to speak because they have recently written a book that has inspired many people. These retired enlisted men have experienced a lot and they are willing to share it to their audience. Here are a couple of retired enlisted men organizers hire or invite to speak at their function.

Former Military Generals – These former generals and ranked officers are hired as keynote speakers at conventions and seminars to help motivate audience members. They are persons who are authoritative and audience members who listen to them will greatly absorb and understand what they are referring to for they deliver their presentation with authority. Some of these enlisted men have recently wrote a best-selling novel about their experiences or fictional stories also about enlisted men. They will narrate some of the contents of their book and explain as to why they have written something like that and what the significance of the story is to their lives.

Former Navy Men – They are also enlisted men that are invited as keynote speakers mostly on book seminars and book conventions. These navy men have also written a book or two about the time they served at an airship or at a warship. Telling stories about their experiences and how they became a navy man. Most of these people came from a family of enlisted men as well and they are only following in the footsteps of their fathers and fore fathers. Some of them are even descendants of a civil war hero, this is one of the reasons why they are considered the best at what they do.

Former and Current Air Force Men – These former and current air force men are invited as keynote speakers to certain conventions and seminars related to aviation. Mostly invited at Pilot Training Schools to speak about their experiences when flying, and also teach a couple of techniques and maneuvers to the students. They will also teach these students how to make correct and proper decisions for if they are to fly commercial planes, the lives of the passengers are at stake and they need to know the right decisions from the wrong ones. Some of these Air Force Pilots have flown expensive jets and some even flew in a battlefield. This is the reason why they need to teach and to educate their audience into picking the right decisions in order to land safely.

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