Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Evaluate a Keynote Speaker

Here are some suggestions on how to evaluate a keynote speaker. The guests will be expecting the speaker to deliver an inspirational and useful message to better improve their performance at work or in their business. Keynote speakers are the main course of an important event, company function/convention or seminars. So it’s better to observe and evaluate the speaker before you hire them or better yet let the audience evaluate how the speaker delivered his message.

Let the audience/crowd evaluate the keynote speaker. Pass out evaluation forms to your guests to let them evaluate the speaker on how they delivered their message. Let them rate the speaker from 1-10, 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest. Write in the form if they found the speaker to be interesting, if he/she omitted information and tips that may help you improve your daily performance, and taught the audience how to apply what they learned to their daily lives. Also let the crowd write comments on the form about the speaker and in what areas they should improve more. At the end of the function give the evaluation forms to the speaker and let them browse through it. Observe if he/she reacts negatively to a certain comment or if they merely absorb it and deal with it.

You can listen to a keynote speaker beforehand by attending one of his speaking seminars, workshops, or conventions. Observe if he/she meets the proper qualification for the function you are organizing. You’ll know when a speaker is that good with what he does if several minutes into his speech, you are already drawn in and interested in what he has to say. Notice if he/she has exactly the right knowledge and charisma to fit the event topic you are preparing for.

Remember to hire a keynote speaker that has a wide knowledge and is flexible on topics that you throw their way. Inquire with your company or with acquaintances about speakers that they know who would fit perfectly with the event you are planning. Choose from among your list of speakers to be hired if which of them is more qualified to handle such events. Ask for a meet with your potential speakers one by one and get to know them. It’s also useful if you listen to audios or videos of the previous speeches they gave. Be sure that what they divulge in their speeches sink in to their listeners. Also observe the audiences reaction to the speaker if they show a positive response or if there are walk outs or cheers.

After the end of your function, approach and thank your keynote speaker. Explain to him if he/she should improve something in his speech delivery or gestures. Always remember to throw constructive criticisms, you would want for the speaker to better enhance his/her skills for his next speaking engagement. Converse with the speaker about your overall impression on his speech, how much you’ve enjoyed certain humor and examples he cited during his talk.

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