Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How to Become a Better Speaker than your Competitor

There are thousands of motivational speakers that present that they are the best at what they do. That they are more skilled in certain areas of motivation and inspiration than that of other speakers so in order to compete and be better at encouraging and motivating other people than your competition. Always remember a few steps that a speaker should initially partake in order to be chosen as an exceptionally talented motivator. Below is a list of things that a motivational speaker should always remember in order to compete against other speakers.

•    Practice is always one of the key components to being a better speaker. Remember that a constant practice sharpens and harnesses the skills that you already have and molding and making them into a weapon that you can use to your advantage. Remember that having the proper experience may it be good or bad will greatly help you with your goal of being the best among your competitors, this is simply because every time you make a mistake you always learn from it and promise yourself not to make the same mistake the next time. So in other words you are progressing onto becoming a better motivational speaker.

•    Expanding your vocabulary is always the best way to go. To do this simply read books and novels and other informative fiction and non-fiction titles. Doing so will gradually increase your vocabulary thus introducing you to new words, slang words, and tech talk which are popularly used nowadays by teens and tech junkies.

•    From time to time learn to relax and give yourself a break. You can’t instantly get better at what you do overnight. It takes time and a lot of patience and even a degree in order to compete against the best motivational speakers today. Starting out you is considered as a small fry fish swimming the ocean, and in order for you to stand out from the rest you have to be unique and grow. The speakers you are competing with have been in the game for several years and they know the ins and outs of the motivational speaking community. So for you to reach their level of success, you must also learn and go through what they have experienced in order to learn and to grow properly as a speaker.

•    A speaker has the option of either be trained by other motivational speakers or take a crash course speaking class that will tackle the key points of motivational speaking. If you choose to be a mentor for a popular motivational speaker. You must learn their ways and how they do what they do best. Study how they communicate and how they deliver their message and always remember to observe them from being interviewed by a potential client until the end of their presentation or discussion. Also observe how they interact with the crowd and how they handle their clients from start to finish.

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