Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Keynote Speakers for Movie Premiers

In the movie industry, keynote speakers are often hired to speak in a movie premier as to what the movie is about. Most of the time the director or the producer of the movie becomes the keynote speaker where they discuss about how the movie was made, where the locations were set and how the movie turned out after the shoot. Also when a certain movie is bombarded with special effects which are truly breathtaking, the director will be proud to boast about how their special effects team came up with the effect. The following are some of the topics a keynote speaker will go over when speaking on these movie premiers or press junket.

I. Press Junkets – Movies hold press junkets weeks before the opening day of the film. During these press junkets, directors and or producers become keynote speakers by explaining to the press exactly what the movie is about and who the actors are. Also they will discuss as to the locations and the overall budget of the film. Sometimes during these press junkets for movies, they show a 30 minutes to 1 hour clip of the movie to the members of the press just to give them a sneak peak if the film. During the showing the press is not allowed to carry any video recording devices or even cellular phones to avoid leaking the film to the public before its opening day.

II. Special Effects – One of the major things that a movie nowadays boasts are the breathtaking special effects that give the audience an OHHH!!! Factor in order for the audience to be mesmerized by the film. Directors as keynote speakers discuss how their concepts in the directing of the film became a reality with the breathtaking special effects and computer generated images that they have incorporated into the film. They will additionally boast to the public how their computer generated images reflect the story as a whole.

III. Movie Concepts – During movie concepts when directors and producers are hired to produce and direct the movie, a press conference is held to tell the world to look forward to the movie that is going to be made and what it is about. Mostly the keynote speakers in these press cons are the studio executives and producers who have agreed to a contract to produce and hire directors and actors to make the film possible.

IV. Awards – In the event that a certain movie wins an award, it is the actor, the producer or the director who instantly becomes the keynote speaker when they are receiving the awards they have won. If it’s a best actor award normally the actor who won the award goes on stage, explains about how the movie became possible and thank the producers and the directors and other personnel involve in making the film possible.

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