Monday, November 28, 2011

Speakers for Tournaments and Other Competitions

During tournaments and competitions, it is essential to hire keynote speakers to either formally open the event or to discuss about what the competition or tournament is all about. Speakers that are hired or invited for such events are those that have a wide knowledge about the competition itself. They may be a previous winner, a major sponsor, a previous participant or a supporter of the said event. They simply need to welcome and discuss about what the games or the competition is about and who the competitors are. Here are a couple of topics a keynote speaker for a tournament or event discusses with the participants and the guests.

Game Mechanics – It is important that the keynote speaker discuss about the mechanics of the game or the competition in order to remind the contestants about the current rules or any additional rules the organizers might have included. The speakers will additionally discuss about the playing field or the competition area as to who constructed and maintained them, additionally if the players are using their own equipment for the game that they should follow the standard requirements for their equipment to allow their use in the tournament.

Uniform – The keynote speaker should also discuss the standard uniform or the proper attire required for participants. There might be safety harnesses or safety gear needed in order for a participant to join in the competition. These strict rules must be implemented and the speaker should elaborate more on the proper gear to be used in order to keep the participants safe from any accidents that might happen.

Sponsors – One thing that a keynote speaker will be asked to add to their discussion before ending it is to plug in the major and minor sponsors that made the event possible. Without these different sponsors the tournament may have not been possible. These sponsors have helped in a huge way with the tournament, they might have supported financially or gave equipment and things that greatly helped with the construction and organizing of the competition.

Prices and Trophies – The prices and the trophies to be won in a tournament are also discussed by the keynote speaker to the participants. They will even show them the prices and the trophies in order to give them the motivation they need to win the competition and also to receive the prices during the awards ceremony.

Speakers as Hosts – The keynote speakers for the tournament also double as the host and the announcer of the event. They are asked to host the overall event and to announce the contestants and the game schedule for the duration of the tournament. This is not a bad deal considering that the they will get an extra fee for their service. They will also be the presenters for the awards and the prices to be given to the winners of the competition or to the winners of the other prices to be raffled between the participants of the said event.

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