Friday, November 4, 2011

Keynote Speakers for an Animation Conference

Animation nowadays is more on CGI (computer generated image) and there are different types of animation where different artists specialize on. Keynote speakers for such seminars or conferences dabble on topics pertaining to techniques that animators use nowadays. They will also discuss what kind of software they use in order to animate the characters that were just primarily drawn. Also one of their primary discussions focuses on the storyline of an animation and the overall theme of the story. This is to ensure that they have created uniqueness with the storyline and the overall theme of the animation. Below are a couple of things that a keynote speaker focus on in their discussion in order to guide their animators to new concepts and techniques in the world of interactive animation.

Telling a story – Before everything else, these animators focus on what storyline they are going to be utilizing. They must make sure that it will have a unique concept and overall theme in order for people to watch their movies or short clips. They can opt to retell a story that has been known to everyone and simply add a few things to spice up the storyline. Stories like fairytales and myths and legends come to life once they have the base story to generate their animation on. They simply acquire the base storyline and they have the option to add several sub stories in order to make the plot more interesting and decide whether to base their story in ancient times or modernize the thread but still keep the original concept of the story.

Animating – When animators draw the characters, the theme, and all the background in the animation they make sure that they capture the audience’s awe and amaze them with their art and computer generated graphics. This is a plus to the audience when they see a character in the movie or clip that has been drawn artistically thus capturing their attention and making sure that they become engulfed in the storyline. Keynote speakers will also discuss on how to add action packed scenes in the movie to make sure that the audience are constantly following the plot and to make sure that the movie does not bore anyone.

Incorporating 2d and 3d animation – Nowadays cartoons and movies are incorporated with 3D generated images to add an effect where the audience can see the background or certain objects in 3D. Some 2D cartoons are incorporated with these 3D graphics in order to properly distinguish certain things and certain materials in the movie or clip that only a computer generated image can elaborate.

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